After Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be served in the gathering space.
Now that we are in the redemption phase of the Paths Forward in Faith Campaign, I wanted to give you a few updates. We will be sending out periodic reminders about your pledge commitments. For those of you who receive monthly envelopes, there is an envelope for each month designated for the campaign. You also have the option to give online. As of January 31, 2024, we have received $1,151,000 in cash of the $3,000,000 pledged.
In terms of the projects, we are moving forward with coming up with a final design for the renovation of the sanctuary. The images that you have seen up to this point are conceptual designs. This process will take some time because we are making the final decisions for all the details of this renovation. When we have updated images, we will show them to you. We are in the process of interviewing and selecting a general contractor for this project. We hope to have a timeline for the renovation by the end of March.
We are also in the process of selecting a general contractor for the updating of the heating system in our school. An engineering firm has already done some preliminary work to come up with some different alternatives for this project. Once we have a general contractor in place, we will be able to have a better sense of what this project entails and when it can be completed.
On a spiritual note, if you are still seeking ways to deepen your love for the Lord this Lenten season, consider coming to our parish holy hour on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. Another option would be to come to Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings at 6:30pm with a Lenten talk after this in Mother Seton Hall.
Fr. Dave
As of December 31, 2023, we have reached our goal of $3,000,000! See the latest bulletin insert/update HERE.
Dear parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
Anytime a parish embarks upon a capital campaign, it must come from a place of trust. We trust that God will provide. Why are we able to trust? We can trust because we have experienced God’s goodness throughout our lives. As a parish and school, we have been blessed in so many ways. So why is it necessary to do a
capital campaign now? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is our spiritual home. Just like you have experienced in your homes, there is a need for improvements, repairs and maintenance. Our church and school building have served us well for many years but now they are in need of our investment.
Our “Paths Forward In Faith” capital campaign is an important step for us as we continue the mission given to us by Jesus Christ. There is no doubt that our faith is at the center of everything we do as a parish and school. Our faith is in Jesus Christ alone. The renovation of our sanctuary will allow our worship space to become a place where the whole environment will reflect the heavenly nature of the Mass. We want all people, no matter how young or old, to know that when they walk into our church, they will know that God lives there. Our church, with its beauty and dignity, will reflect that the most important thing we do each week is our worship of God.
In addition, our capital campaign will literally give us a new path into our church as we resurface the parking lot. It is a necessary investment as we maintain all of the physical needs of our buildings and campus. We also have leaking pipes and a boiler that is over 60 years old in our school. Installing a new heating and air
conditioning system will allow our children to move forward in their path of growing in mind, body, and soul.
This campaign will also allow us to update the sound and lighting in our church. With new technology in both of these areas, especially in the area of sound, we will address the acoustical issues in our church. A few other projects to be addressed with this campaign are new carpeting and paint in Mother Seton Hall and the purchase of an additional boiler for the church.
While we each may have our own favorite project, this capital campaign is designed to address all these needs so we can move forward together. The goal of this campaign is three million dollars. Click HERE for the brochure with more detailed information. Scroll down for short cuts to certain sections in the brochure. Please join me in this great endeavor as we continue our mission here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to form joyful disciples who make Jesus Christ known and loved.
Yours in Christ,
Father Dave Hennen
Pray our Capital Campaign Prayer HERE.