Knit or crochet a shawl to be given as a gift of blessing to someone in need of pastoral care. Priest and homebound ministers deliver these gifts. The ability to knit or crochet is necessary. Email Faith to help.
Attend to outdoor gardens and keep them looking their best by watering, pruning, fertilizing and assisting wtih plantings and weed control. Qualifications include having a green thumb and the ability to work alone. Light lifting required (less than 10 lbs.) Our riding mowers need operators to mow our huge green lawns. Training is provided. Contact Scott for more information
These ministers pick up the used altar linens and towels from the sacristy after weekend Masses, wash and iron them, and return them prior to the next weekend Masses. Contact Faith to help out.
Are you handy at fixing things? Would you love to be here assisting Dan in keeping things up and running? Have you noticed a few things around here that could use a touch up? This could be the perfect ministry for you! Email Scott for more information.
Every once in a while Amy needs front desk relief for vacation or sick time. Duties are assisting front office visitors and answering phones for 1-4 hour shifts. Other employees are always available to help substitutes. Contact Faith to help out.
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