Deepen Your Faith, Strengthen Your Discipleship
Our Adult Formation programs are designed to help you grow in your understanding of the Catholic faith and strengthen your relationship with Christ. Whether you're new to the faith or looking to deepen your spiritual life, our programs offer opportunities for lifelong learning, prayer, and community. Join us in exploring the richness of our faith and becoming active, joyful disciples of Christ.
Evangelical Catholic
How can you be a part of the mission of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church? How can you help form joyful disciples who make Jesus Christ known and loved? By joining an Evangelical Catholic (EC) training cohort.
The 12-week EC training is two-fold: (1) it deepens your prayer life with habits and a heart for mission, and (2) it asks you to ponder who the Lord is asking you to evangelize in your particular season of life. Cohorts form in the Spring (January - March) and in the Fall (September - November).
EC is a national organization which specializes in forming and training lay people to evangelize in their circles of influence. Their formative process focuses on building our relationship with the Lord and then sharing that experience of God's love and mercy with others. -
Catholic Watchmen
The Catholic Watchmen are men challenging men, “as iron sharpens iron” (Pr. 27:17), to live out the seven disciplines. It is not an exclusive club, but a movement; not a product, but a prayer men offer together for the Church.
The Catholic Watchmen meet on the first Tuesday of the month.Holy Hour begins at 6:30 p.m (optional)
Refreshments/sessions in Mother Seton Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Ends at 8:45 p.m. (optional extended social time)
The Catholic Watchmen is led by the bishops of our Archdiocese and lay leaders with support of the Office of Evangelization at the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
The King's Men
The King's Men are concerned with growing in holiness and virtue in order to become better leaders, protectors, and providers. There simply is no substitute along the masculine journey for quality brotherhood and support. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
We meet Tuesday evenings (with the exception of the first Tuesday of every month for The Watchmen) from 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface room.
Women's Bible
Curious about how the Sunday readings speak to you as a woman? Want to know more about the historical and social situations the Biblical authors found themselves in? Looking for a community of women to share friendship and fellowship with? Then join us for Women’s Bible on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the GA/Boniface rooms.
Women at the Well
Women at the Well is undergoing a rejuvenation this year. Our theme is “A Spiritual Spa” and our three speakers will each speak within the topic. Like the Samaritan woman, we are women who want to be in a relationship with the Lord and draw from the spiritual fountain the faith has to offer. We meet everyone wherever they are on their spiritual journey.
Women at the Well will meet three times a year for a speaker and then offer a service project (Marriage Retreat). We’ll gather together on Thursday evenings in Mother Seton Hall. No reservations necessary! Please JOIN US!6:30 p.m. social time
6:45 p.m. introduction of speaker and beginning of talk
7:45 p.m. Q&A
UPCOMING Events: Thursday, February 27th: Elizabeth Kelly will prepare our souls for Lent!
Saturday, May 10, Service project: A marriage morning-of-reflection for couples in the parish. Guest speakers, Pat & Kenna Millea -
Saintly Readers Book Club
Join the Saintly Readers and dive into a new book each month. We meet in the library from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm on the fourth Monday of each month, September through May.
The fall 2024 schedule and books are listed below. Readers supply their own books.
October 28, 2024 Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory by Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg
November 25, 2024 Two From Galilee: The Story of Mary and Joseph by Marjorie Holmes
No December meeting
January 27, 2025 Great Penitents by Reverend Hugh Francis Blunt, LL.D.
February 24, 2025 Jesus Approaches by Elizbaeth Kelly
March 31, 2025 Characters of the Passion by Fulton J. Sheen
April 28, 2025 The Woman in the Trees by Theoni Bell
May 19, 2025 (Third Sunday) My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir by Colleen Carroll Campbell -
Women's Spirituality and Scripture Study
Why a prayer study? Because we know that prayer is important, but it can be difficult sometimes; our minds wander, we're restless, we feel discouraged, and we don't always feel close to God.
We hope to see you on Thursdays from 9 to 11 a.m. in the St. Boniface Room. -
Divine Mercy Cenacles
A cenacle is a discussion group. These Cenacles study the diary of St. Faustina Kowalska and associated passages in the Bible and the Catechism.
One group meets Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30 a.m. and the other meets Friday afternoons from 1-3:00 p.m. Participants need St. Faustina's diary as well as a formation manual, both of which can be obtained through the parish office. -
Spring Bible Study; The Gospel of Luke
Join us for a walk through the Gospel of Luke. Classes meet most Mondays: Feb. 24, March 3, 10, 17, 25 (Tue), 31, and April 7, 14.
Phil Chenier will lead the study using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible-New Testament. There will be a summary of each chapter, along with questions to prepare for discussion. The Bible is $25, though the course is free if you already own it or are in need of financial assistance.