Serve with Heart, Grow in Faith
At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, our ministries are an opportunity to live out our faith in service to others. Whether you feel called to serve the poor, teach the faith, or enhance our liturgies, there is a place for you. By getting involved, you strengthen not only the parish but also your relationship with Christ. Explore the many ways you can share your time and talents with our faith community.
Help create a welcoming and vibrant parish by greeting newcomers, assisting at parish events, and fostering a sense of belonging.
Ways to Serve at Mass
Be a part of the sacred celebration of the Eucharist by serving as a lector, usher, altar server, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Music Ministry
Use your musical talents to glorify God! Join the choir, cantor, or play an instrument to enhance our liturgies.
Outreach Opportunities
Live out the Gospel through acts of service. Support the homebound, assist those in need, and be the hands of Christ in our community.
Volunteer Options
Lend a hand at parish events, help with administrative tasks, or join a committee—there's a place for everyone to serve.