Serve at the Lord’s Table – Be a Part of the Mass
Ways to Serve at Mass
The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our Catholic faith, and each Mass requires the dedication and service of many faithful individuals. Whether you feel called to assist at the altar, proclaim the Word of God, distribute Holy Communion, or help prepare for liturgies, your role is essential in fostering a sacred and prayerful experience for our parish community. Explore the opportunities below to see how you can participate in the beautiful work of serving at Mass.
Altar Server
Altar Servers assist the priest throughout Mass, helping to ensure the liturgy is celebrated smoothly and reverently. Open to students who have completed fourth grade through adulthood, this ministry is a wonderful way to grow in faith and service. Email Denis to learn more or schedule training.
Baptism Assistant
Assist families and priests during Baptism ceremonies held before, during, or after Mass. Training is provided, and the time commitment is about two hours per month. Contact Laura to volunteer.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during Mass. EMHCs must be practicing Catholics, at least 16 years old, and have received Confirmation. Ministers should be prepared to step in as needed at any Mass. Email Denis to learn more.
Funeral Server/Sacristan
Assist in preparing for Funeral Masses, ensuring that everything is in place for a beautiful and prayerful liturgy. These ministers may also serve as altar servers. Email Denis if you feel called to this ministry.
Proclaim the Word of God to the assembly and lead the intercessory prayers (Universal Prayer). Lectors should practice and reflect on the readings ahead of time to proclaim them with clarity and reverence. Email Denis to learn more.
Ministry at Care Facilities
Lead the Rosary or assist with Mass at local care facilities by preparing the altar and bringing Mass materials. Volunteers must complete Archdiocesan and facility-specific background checks and training. Contact the parish office to get involved.
Ministry to Shut-Ins
Bring the Eucharist to parishioners unable to attend Mass, sharing scripture and prayer with them. Volunteers must provide their own transportation and complete training and a background check. Contact the parish office to learn more.
Music Ministry
Enhance the liturgy through song and music. Whether you sing, play an instrument, or want to join an ensemble, there are many opportunities to share your musical talents. Click here to explore all Music Ministry options.
Sacristan for Weekend Masses
Sacristans prepare the sacred vessels and materials for Mass, ensuring everything runs smoothly before, during, and after the liturgy. This role requires attention to detail and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Email Faith if you are interested.