Share Christ’s Love, Serve Others.
Our Catholic faith calls us to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to those in need and bringing His love to the world. At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are committed to serving both our local and global communities through a variety of outreach initiatives. Whether you’re passionate about feeding the hungry, supporting families, or helping those in crisis, there’s a way for you to get involved and make a difference. Explore the opportunities below and find the ministry that speaks to your heart.
Ways to Serve
Appalachia Christmas Mission
Every October, we collect essential items for low-income families in Kentucky. Through the efforts of the St. Paul and Minneapolis Council of Catholic Women and Terminal Transport of Roseville, these donations are delivered in early November to communities in need.
CRS Rice Bowl
During Lent, join us in supporting Catholic Relief Services' Rice Bowl initiative. This program integrates Lenten spirituality with Catholic social teaching, providing funds for hunger relief worldwide and within our archdiocese.
25% of all donations stay local to help families in need.
Pick up a rice bowl from the information table near the library -
Giving Trees for Christmas
Each November, we collect clothing, food, toys, and household goods for families in our community. Donations are delivered in early December to:
Hastings Family Service
Lewis House
The Franciscan Brothers of Peace
TLC of Hastings
Hastings Family Service
We proudly support our local food shelf and emergency service organization. SEAS serves as a collection site for food, clothing, and household items.
Drop off donations at the west entrance; collections occur every Thursday.
Kitui Partnership
As part of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis' solidarity partnership with the Diocese of Kitui, Kenya, we build relationships, strengthen faith, and share resources.
[Watch a video on the Kitui partnership HERE.]
[See the Phase II Water Project update (September 2022) HERE.]
Contact Faith for details on upcoming parish events and involvement. -
Lions Club Used Glasses Donations
Donate your old eyeglasses and sunglasses to help those in need around the world. Glasses are cleaned, sorted, and distributed by the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs).
Drop off your donations in the marked basket near the coat closet at the west entrance.
Accepted: Intact glasses, children's glasses, non-prescription sunglasses, and readers.
Not Accepted: Loose lenses, broken plastic frames, contact lenses, or eyeglass cases. -
Meals on Wheels
Help deliver hot meals to homebound individuals in our community! Volunteers are needed to drive on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays over the lunch hour, twice a month.
Contact Tracy Steiner (651) 503-8731 | steiner26@aol.com to sign up or learn more.
Plastics Recycling for SEAS School Green Team
Support our school’s goal of earning a new TREX bench by recycling plastic waste.
Drop off approved plastic materials in the designated bin near the Seton Hall restrooms.
Every piece helps keep plastic out of the environment! -
Sharing and Caring Hands
Join our parish in providing meals to Mary Jo Copeland’s homeless shelter in Minneapolis. Opportunities include:
Monthly meal donations (3rd Wednesday of each month)
Thanksgiving pie drive
Baking bars or Jell-O for meal service
Contact Renee Hartman or Kathy Obler to be placed on the call list.
TLC of Hastings Pregnancy Resource Center
TLC offers life-affirming support for pregnant women and families, including:
Pregnancy testing & ultrasounds
Parenting classes & support
Adoption referrals & post-abortion healing
Baby clothing, furniture, and supplies
STD education & sexual integrity programs