Ashley & Austin, Amy Johnson Bauer, Bart, Bob, Joann Bauer, Mary Jo B., Joe B., Malia B., Denise B., Mare Becker, Sue Beissel, Dennis Butler, Joe C., The Cook family, Robert Caneff, Gene & Mark DeBoe, Ethan, Mark & Kathy Enderlein, The Reuben Embu family, Bob E., Erin, Lisa Fasbender, Richard Gelhar, Ron Gilbertson, G.M., David G., Jenny, Judy, M.J., Pat J., Josie K., Barb Kamholz, Jerry Kasel, Mike Kasel, Martin Ludden, Mike Langenfeld, Jerry Langenfeld, Paige Lundell, Tim Lachowitzer, Erric Moen, Lily Nelson, Tom Nelson, Jim Niebur, Mary Osborn, Claire Poncin, Jenny Piehl, Peter R., Sarah R., Shelly Rohr, Arleda Reichert, Roxanne Rowan, Jill Skaife, Mike S., Patricia Schmitz, Aiden Spillane, Joanie Stenson, Ken Strassburger, Roger S., K.S., Sue, the Garrett Sheckleton family, Lois Sacia, Jane Staiger, Janet Stotko, Rachel Sturm, Rosemarie Sontag, Chris Weyandt, Kathy W., Mary W., Butch W.
Updated 9.11.2024
Names are updated weekly. To add a new name, call the parish office at 651-437-4254. To renew a loved one's name, call by the last Monday of each month to keep that name in the prayer corner. Names will be removed from the prayer corner by request or at the end of the month unless we are notified otherwise.
Stop in or call the office at 651-437-4254 to request a Mass. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
To maintain fairness and give many families a chance to request Masses, each household is asked to hold to the following guidelines:
There is a $7.00 suggested donation per Mass. You may pay with cash or check in the office (we do not have change) or drop your donation in the designated secure donation slot in the gathering space at any time. We suggest that you reserve your dates early because they fill up quickly.
If you cannot reserve any more Masses because the calendar is full or you have reserved your limit, you may request more Masses by a Mission Priestwith this form. The form is also available in the parish office.
Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.
If you have a family member enlisted in the military and would like to have them added to our military board or simply have their information updated, contact Sarah with the following: the enlisted member's name, their branch of military and rank, where they are stationed, and a picture (attach it to the email or bring it to the office to be scanned).