United in Prayer and Support
Join us in lifting our parish family, loved ones, and military members to God’s grace and care through prayer and remembrance.
Pray for Those in Need.
Prayer is a powerful act of love and faith that unites us as a parish community. At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, our Prayer Corner is a sacred space where we hold in our hearts those most in need of God's healing, peace, and grace. We invite you to join us in prayer and support for our parish family and beyond
Our Prayer Corner
Please remember the following individuals and families in your prayers. Together, we bring their intentions to the Lord with hope and trust in His infinite mercy.
Adam Ernst, Adeline McDonald, Alphonse & Irene Theis, Amy Johnson Bauer, Arleda Reichert, Ashley & Austin, Barb Kamholz, Bart, Bill Russell, Bob, Bob Cowden, Brenner Peine, Carma Spence, Chris Weyandt, Clare Poncin, Connie Dolan, Dan Van Risseghem, David G., David Sticha, Deb B., Denise B., Dennis Butler, Don Dolan, Dorothy, Erric Moen, Ethan, G.M., Gene & Mark DeBoe, Harold DeBoe, Irene Dalbotten, Jack Thomas, Jane Staiger, Janet Stotko, Jenny, Jenny Piehl, Jerry & Rosie S, Jerry Kasel, Jerry Langenfeld, Jim Niebur, Joann Bauer, Joe B., Joe C., Joel, Joni, John Gegen Family, Joni Stenson, Josie K., Judy, Judy S., Kathy W., Kay S., Ken Strassburger, Kristi, Lily Nelson, Lisa Fasbender, M.J., Malia B., Mare Becker, Margie Boyd, Marie & Paul Pitre, Mark & Kathy Enderlein, Mark Gorski, Martin Ludden, Mary Ann Brummel, Mary Jo B., Mary Jo Becker, Mary Jo Copeland, Mary Osborn, Mary W., Mike Kasel, Mike Langenfeld, Mike S., Millie Ruhr, Nancy, Paige Lundell, Pat J., Patricia Schmitz, Peter R., Rachel Sturm, Richard & Dorothy Fuchs, Richard Gelhar, Roger S., Rick Radabaugh, Rosemarie Sontag, Rosemary Plath, Roxanne Rowan, Sarah R., Shelby, Shelly Rohr, Sue, Sue Beissel, Ted Saari, The Cook family, The Garrett Sheckleton family, The Reuben Embu family, Tim Lachowitzer, Tom Nelson
Add or Update a Prayer Intention
To add a new name to our Prayer Corner or update an existing request, please call the parish office at 651-437-4254. We encourage you to share these intentions with our community so that we may lift them up in prayer together.
Names will remain on the Prayer Corner until we are notified to remove them. Please let us know when prayers have been answered, or needs have changed.
If you have a family member enlisted in the military and would like them added to our Military Board, please contact Faith with the following information:
The enlisted member’s name
Branch of military and rank
Where they are stationed
A photo (attached via email or dropped off at the office for scanning)
Offer the Gift of a Holy Mass
A Holy Mass is one of the greatest gifts we can offer for our loved ones, living or deceased. To request a Mass intention, please contact the parish office during regular hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at 651-437-4254.
Mass Intention Guidelines:
Limit of 1 Mass per month and 3 Masses per calendar year per household.
Only 1 weekend Mass (Saturday 4:30 p.m. or Sunday 8 a.m. or 10 a.m.).
A $7.00 suggested donation per Mass.
Donations can be submitted via cash or check in the parish office or placed in the secure donation slot in the gathering space.
Additional Option:
If the parish calendar is full, you may request additional Masses through a Mission Priest by completing this form or by visiting the parish office."
Pray for Our Military Members
Join us in praying for the men and women of our parish who courageously serve in the armed forces. We ask for God’s blessings to guide, protect, and strengthen them as they safeguard our nation and uphold peace in the world.
Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope, and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love, and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor, and praise, now and forever. Amen.