Guided by Faith, Serving with Purpose

Councils and Committees

  • Cemetery Committee

    The purpose of this committee is to assist in the plans for the overall direction of the cemetery, to develop rules and regulations of the cemetery, and make operational and financial recommendations to maintain a viable cemetery operation. In doing so, the committee acts in an advisory capacity to the pastor. The Cemetery Committee meets 4-6 times per year. 

    Contact Jeff about the Cemetery Committee.

  • Finance Council

    Advise the pastor in the financial affairs of the parish. Oversee and advise the pastor in issues related to the parish budgeting process, existing and/or future parish properties, and all financial development efforts of the parish. Basic knowledge of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish leadership structure and processes/ procedures is needed, as well as a general understanding of finance and budgeting. Essential 3 as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month. Additional meetings as needed.

    Finance Council members are Pat Green, Tanya Peterson, Pat Butler, Abby Meyers, and Kari Kasel.

  • Hospitality Committee

    Do you have a gift for helping people feel welcome? Does saying, "Hello!" to people walking in the door fill your heart with joy? If you answered yes to either of these questions, we warmly invite you to share your gifts and help us welcome people into our faith community before our weekend Masses. We are particularly looking for people to help us before Saturday evening Mass at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday morning Mass at 8:00 a.m. Please contact Laura Stierman and let her know when you can help.

  • Knights of Columbus Hastings Council #1600

    The Knights of Columbus is an international organization for Catholic men, guided on the principles of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Our local Hastings Council #1600 was established over 100 years ago in 1913. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to strengthen this parish, give back to your community, and grow in your faith.

    When you join the Knights you aren't making a big time commitment. You get out of it what you choose to put into it. By volunteering an hour here or there you can make an enormous difference in your life and the lives of others.

    For more information on joining the Knights of Columbus, email Grand Knight Steve Sellars, call him at (651) 468-1668

    The Knights meet on the third Thursday of each month in Mother Seton Hall from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  • Parish Pastoral Council

    Help lead St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in its parish mission statement: Forming joyful disciples who make Jesus Christ known and loved.

    The purpose of the parish council is to advise and counsel our pastor on matters affecting the life and ministry of the parish, to develop and articulate a vision for the parish and foster involvement of parish members in this community of the faithful so all may grow spiritually within the Body of Christ. Basic knowledge of the parish leadership structure and processes/procedures is needed, as well as a general understanding of parish commissions. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month. Additional meetings as needed.  

  • Parish Life Committee

    Join this committee and plan, schedule and launch specific events. The "Party People" enjoy planning, working with a team of volunteers and providing fun hospitality for various parish events. Essential 3 as required by the Archdiocese. Time commitment: Monthly one-hour planning meetings, 2-3 hours per event, Kitchen and Food Safety Training. Events are held throughout the year. Faith can get you hooked up with Parish Life!

  • Social Events Committees

    In 2024, we began hosting a number of social events. If you would like to be a part of planning, hosting, or serving at these events, please contact Laura Stierman. Construction in the new worship space in the fall and early winter of 2024 will force the cancellation and possible rescheduling of some events.

  • Trustees

    Chuck Caturia and Lisa Piotrowski are our two trustees. Along with Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Vicar General Fr. Charles Lachowitzer and our own Fr. Dave Hennen, this group makes up the corporate board of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.