Family Faith Formation

Parents and students will attend class together in the meeting rooms for an educational and fun evening on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. beginning October 9. Afterward, parents will receive instructions and all the necessary materials to teach lessons for the rest of the month at home. 

The cost of faith formation programming is $50 per child with $100 family maximum for students in all programming through 7th grade. 

What is our mission?
To form joyful disciples who make Jesus Christ known and loved.

Why do we promote Family Faith Formation?
As we form joyful disciples, we understand the importance of nurturing the faith of our children, and families spend a lot of time together. If we only teach the faith during a one-hour weekly session and the faith is not practiced in the home, then faith formation becomes just another academic class, something one graduates from after receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. We are not looking for our children to pass an exam or graduate, we are looking for them to be life-long disciples of Jesus… to start building a life-long relationship with the Lord and to have prayerful habits of the heart and mind. Children can only do that in a faith-filled home where parents are immersed in the faith, living out the Gospel and our Catholic traditions. 

Therefore, our mission is to assist parents in the passing on of the faith, providing materials and offering support for teaching the faith.

Do our children need academic instruction?
Yes. They need to learn their common prayers, the tenets of the Catholic faith, and her moral teachings. But our children also need parents who are on an active faith journey, so that our children are immersed in the faith in their daily lives, solidifying habits and living the faith in their hearts and homes. Most of what they learn comes from you, the parents.

What kind of support will parents be offered?
All parents will gather together once every month to grow in their own faith and receive materials for the month. Liam will always be available to meet with you one on one if you need extra support or have questions.