1 December 2024 #happyrenovation

My newly retired husband spent this past Fall checking things off his very long honey-do list. Things like paying attention to the lawn, fixing the fence, and cleaning out his home office. We’ve had summer weddings for each of the past four years and addressing the must-do’s was all we had time for; long-term projects festered. One of those projects was re-painting a living room that hadn’t seen a new coat since 1995. With six athletic kiddos, the space was a mess. If walls could talk, they’d joyfully tell stories of boisterous indoor sports tournaments, sumo wrestling matches that ended in stitches (literally), and yearly high-jump Olympics at the hallway entrance. My beloved needed to repair dents in the drywall, fill nail holes, tape, patch, spackle, sand, and remove baseboards before the coats of paint could even be applied. 

Jeremiah reminds us that Advent is all about preparation. What if this month – no, this year - you tackle a spiritual renovation project? I’ll join you in this hard and messy work. One of my personally-favorite spackle-and-sand work is Evangelical Catholic (EC). 

EC is a 12-week course spent (a) developing prayer-filled habits and forming hearts for the Lord, and (b) discerning what the Lord asks of you in the here-and-now… what is your mission for today, this week, this month, this year, or even this lifetime? You see, sharing the Gospel message isn’t just about adding folks to our pew count, it’s about wanting others to have-what-you-have, an imperfect life surrounded by grace and peace and a life in Christ that… well… makes it perfect. Who wouldn’t want that? That is what evangelization is really about: Inviting people to develop a relationship with the Lord.

Today, Jesus assures us that this anxiety-filled earthly life will eventually pass away, so don’t let its drama wear you down. Paul reminds us to abound in love for one another, including those who drive you crazy. Loving everyone and dealing with anxiety is not impossible. Do the foundational work and allow the Lord can cover you in grace and peace. #happyrenovation


8 December 2024 #workpartiesforholiness