15 December 2024 #toolsofthetrade

This was quite a week; we’ve celebrated the feast days of some great Catholic renovation heroes, people who worked hard on holiness with joy. We celebrated Our Lady’s immaculate conception on Monday and her appearance in Guadalupe on Thursday. We saw the light of the Lord in St. Lucy on Friday. We culminated the week with St. John of the Cross, the titan remodeler, on Saturday. They each changed the world in their own ways, and what a beautiful space we live in because of them. It’s funny how the Lord created us… when we joyfully do the hard work of renovating our heart, minds, and will for the Lord, everyone around us benefits too! 

Our own renovation project continues this week. Zephaniah talks about the Lord removing the judgment against us… which naturally leads us to ponder the sacrament of reconciliation. This sacrament is foundational (pun intended) to our renovation process. It’s where the Lord fills in the holes of our sins with grace, then sands them smooth with the words of absolution. I’ve never regretted going to confession. Is it hard work? 

Yes. Looking inward to find the wound that Satan uses to keep us from holiness is difficult and sometimes painful. Maybe it’s an unpleasant memory. Maybe it’s an even more tumultuous event that wasn’t even your fault. Or maybe it is your fault, and that’s an even tougher look in the mirror. Is the repair worth it? Absolutely yes. The rest of your spiritual work depends on it.

St. Paul gives us courage and hope to do this hard work of repair, so spend some time in preparation and make your request before Jesus. Then let the peace of God guard your heart and mind. Rejoice in the kindness Jesus has shown you in forgiveness… and then extend that towards others, as Our Lady, St. Lucy, and St. John of the Cross did. Jesus reminds his followers – that’s us - to be honest. Then the Lord will baptize us with the Holy Spirit, clear our winnowing floor with love, and burn our sins in unquenchable fire. Confession: a handy-dandy tool in your spiritual renovation tool kit. 



22 December 2024 #thehomestretch


8 December 2024 #workpartiesforholiness